
Ragnar Locker勒索团伙是一系列针对公司的代价高昂的勒索软件攻击背后的网络犯罪团伙,它警告受害者不要寻求执法机构的帮助。
Ragnar Locker的警告:
Dear clients if you want to resolve all issues smoothly, don’t ask the Police to do this for you. We will find out and punish with all our effort.(亲爱的客户,如果你想顺利地解决所有问题,不要让警察为你做这些,否则我们会全力以赴地发现和惩处。)
这是Ragnar Locker所说的全文:
In our practice we has facing with the professional negotiators much more often in last days. Unfortunately it’s not making the process easier or safer, on the contrary it’s actually makes all even worse. Such negotiator are usually working in recovery-companies affiliated or even working directly in Police/FBI/investigation agency and etc. They are totally not interested in commercial success of their clients or in safety of theirs private data.
So from this moment we warn all our clients, if you will hire any recovery company for negotiations or if you will send requests to the Police/FBI/Investigators, we will consider this as a hostile intent and we will initiate the publication of whole compromised Data immediately. Don’t think please that any negotiators will be able to deceive us, we have enough experience and many ways to recognize such a lie. Dear clients if you want to resolve all issues smoothly, don’t ask the Police to do this for you. We will find out and punish with all our efforts.
Ragnar Locker团伙告诉其受害者不要找勒索软件恢复公司和警察的原因只有一个——它担心这会损害生意。